The Green Party has gained its first ever Westminster MP. In a major electoral success, the party's leader and MEP Caroline Lucas took the seaside seat of Brighton Pavilion from Labour.
Britain is the only country in Europe which has never had a Green MP elected to its national parliament.
Her victory is a remarkable achievement for the party, which has sought to put environmental issues at the heart of the General Election campaign.
Caroline Lucas, centre, celebrates becoming Britain's first Green Party MP after winning the Brighton Pavilion seat
Speaking after the result was announced she said: "Today the people of Brighton Pavilion have made history by electing Britain's first Green MP to Westminster.
"Thank you so much for putting the politics of hope above the politics of fear and I pledge that I will do my very best to do you proud.
"For once the word historic fits the bill."
One of the most tightly contested seats in the country, Brighton Pavilion was once a solid Tory stronghold, which was snatched by Labour in 1997.
Miss Lucas, 49, beat off female rivals Nancy Platts for Labour and Charlotte Vere for the Conservatives in an exciting three-way race.
A CND activist in her youth and a campaigner against US weapons on British soil, privately-educated Miss Lucas has more recently been a leader of the Stop the War Coalition.
he Green party leader has been hailed by the left-wing Guardian newspaper as one of their 'eco-heroes'.
Miss Lucas campaign was boosted by the support of actress Joanna Lumley who urged voters to shun mainstream politicians and back the Greens.
The Greens have mounted their biggest-ever general election campaign this year fielding candidates in 335 constituencies.
Her victory represents a shift towards a more radical style of politics.
As well as campaigning for environmental issues, the party backs higher taxation on the rich, permanent taxes on bankers bonuses and 20mph speed limits in all towns.
At the last election, Labour MP David Lepper took the seat with a 5,000 majority. But he announced his retirement before the General Election.
The Green party have been steadily building up their polling base in Brighton. At the last General Election, the Greens polled a best ever 22per cent of the vote in the constituency and have 9 local councillors in the area.